Emotions Page 7
So anything that melts you and warms you up is good. The first choice always must be love. If that is mot possible, the second choice is anger. And these are the only two choices-the third is not a choice. That is where people already are. That’s why you see so many dead people, walking corpses... They are alive only in name’s sake-because they are indifferent. Once you start flowing....By experience you have discovered a very basic law. It is not massage really, it is your concern for the other person.
Sit in your room, close the doors, bring your jealousy into focus. Watch it, see it, let it take as strong a flame as possible. Let it become a strong flame, burn into it and see what it is. And don’t from the very beginning say that this is ugly, because that very idea that this is ugly will repress it, will not allow it total expression.
No opinions! Just try to see the existential effect of what jealousy is, the existential fact. No interpretations, no ideologies! Forget all the teachings and teachers and ideals. Just let the jealousy be there. Look into it, look deeply into it and so do with anger, so do with sadness, hatred, possessiveness. And by and by you will see that just by seeing through things you start getting a transcendental feeling that you are just a witness; the identity is broken. The identity is broken only when you encounter something within you
Transformation of Fear
When : sometime during the day, when your stomach is empty; or 2-3 hours after you have eaten; otherwise you may vomit.
Step 1: Close the door to the room, be naked if possible, or wear loose clothing, and sit cross legged.
Step 2: Put your hands just 2” below the navel and press there. Then release the pressure. The pressing acts as a trigger. You can stop pressing once things start happening - after 2 minutes or so.
Just by pressing the hara, great fear will arise and your breathing will start becoming chaotic, so allow it and go into it. You may start feeling a great trembling-cooperate with it. You may feel like rolling around on the ground-roll. If breathing becomes chaotic, allow it; if the hands start moving.... Whatever happens-if you feel like dancing, dance. Don’t manage it, allow it: be possessed. This may last 25-45 minutes, and it will be tremendously beneficial. It may take at least 2 months to complete it, but it will be a Primal, and you will reach a very deep space within yourself.
Step 3: Before going to sleep, lie on the bed with eyes closed and imagine a blackboard-as black as you can. Visualize on the board the figure 3, 3 times. First see it, then erase it; see it, erase it and so on. Then visualize the figure 2 three times, and erase. Then the figure 1, 3 times and erase; then zero. By the time you reach zero, you will feel a great silence unlike you have ever felt before-and that silence will increase as your primal grows. Try to complete this before you fall asleep. Go slowly, lovingly-it may take 2-3 minutes. There are also these layers inside you, so by the time you come to the zero, you touch the zero layer inside you. The day the primal is complete you will fall into absolute silence-as if the whole existence has suddenly disappeared, nothing is. That will be a great glimpse.
Duration: 40-60 minutes
Step 1: Sit comfortably, with your hands placed right under left and thumbs joining. This puts the energy in a certain relationship, a certain posture. The left hand is connected with the right brain and vice versa. The left side is the seat of reason, a coward. A person can’t be both an intellectual and brave. The right brain is intuitive.
Step 2: Relax, close your eyes. let your lower jaw relax so you start breathing through your mouth. When you breathe through the mouth and not the nose, you establish a new breathing pattern, and thus the old pattern can be broken. Also when you breathe through the nostrils you constantly stimulate the brain. The nose is dual, the mouth is nondual. So when you breathe through the mouth you don’t stimulate the brain - the breath goes directly to the chest. It will create a very silent, non dual, new state of relaxation, and your energies will start flowing in a new way.
Nothing has to be feared, it has only to be understood. The whole of one’s life has to become just a story of understanding - no fear, no anger, nothing is needed. They are unnecessary hindrances to understanding.
When : Every night before sleeping
Duration: 10-15 minutes
Step 1: Sit in your bed with the light off. Become a small child, as small as you can conceive, as you can recall-maybe 3 years old-beyond that we have almost completely forgotten. And you are alone.
Step 2: Start crying, do gibberish-nonsense sounds. Be crazy and let things come: many sounds will start surfacing. If shouting comes, allow it - for the sheer fun of it, for 10-15 minutes.
Step 3: Now go to sleep with that childlike simplicity and innocence.
When : In the daytime whenever there is a chance.
On the beach, be like a child collecting seashells, running about, collecting stones, building sandcastles. And whenever you can find children play with them, don’t remain an adult. Whenever it is possible be naked-and lie on the earth so you can feel like a child. Make faces at yourself in a mirror; splash in your tub like a child - have plastic ducks to play with.
All that is needed is to connect yourself with your childhood again and the it will disappear, because it started there and you have to catch it back in the moment when it started. You have to go to the root because things can only be changed if we catch hold of their roots... The whole point is to start reliving your childhood. And this will be gone, and when it is gone you will feel real flowering.
It is one of the most prevalent problems for the modern man; the whole of humanity is suffering from uprootedness. When you become aware of it, you will always feel [a] wavering in the legs, uncertainty, because the legs are really the roots of man. Through his legs man is rooted in the earth. “Once you understand a problem directly, it is already on the way to being solved. Now you have to do two or three things....
When: Every morning
Step 1: Stand on your feet, just 6-8” apart, and close your eyes. then put your whole weight on the right foot, as if you are standing only on the right; the left is unburdened. Feel it - and then shift to the left foot. Your whole weight is on the left foot and you relieve the right foot completely, as if it has nothing to do. It is just there on the earth but it has no weight to it. Do this 4-5 times - feeling this shift of energy - and feel how it feels. Then try to be just in the middle, neither on the left nor the right, or on both. Just in the middle - no emphasis, fifty-fifty. That 50-50 feeling will give you more rootedness in the earth.
Step 2: If you are near the sea, every morning go to the beach and run on the sand. If you are not near the sea, run anywhere barefoot - no shoes on, just on the naked earth, so there is a contact between your feet and the earth. Within a few weeks you will start feeling a great energy and strength in your legs.
Also: Start taking deeper breaths. With shallow breathing one starts feeling uprooted. The breath must go to the very root of your being, and the root is your sex center-so then there is a continuous massage of the sex center by the breathing. Then you feel rooted. Otherwise if your breathing is shallow and never goes to the sex center there is a gap-which makes you feel confused, uncertain, not knowing who you are, where you are going...just drifting. Then you will become lusterless, no life, because how can life be without purpose? And how can there be purpose when you are not rooted in your own energy?
So first: grounding in the earth-which is the mother of all. Then grounding in the sex center-which is the father of all. Then you will be completely at ease, centered, grounded.
Meditation creates the catalytic agent:
a totally silent mind with no thoughts,
a totally relaxed body with no tensions,
a totally empty heart with no moods,
no feelings
, no sentiments,
no emotions.
And then, simply wait.
In this silence, serenity,
just wait....
And out of nowhere
something explodes in you.
Yes, it is an explosion -
of light, of love,
of tremendous bliss,
which remains with you forever.
For more information:
a comprehensive multi-language website including a magazine, OSHO
Books, OSHO TALKS in audio and video formats, the OSHO Library text archive in English and Hindi, and extensive information about OSHO Meditations. You will also find the program schedule of the OSHO Multiversity and information about the OSHO International Meditation Resort.
To contact OSHO International Foundation go to: www.osho.com/oshointernational
About the Author
Osho’s teachings defy categorization, covering everything from the individual quest for meaning to the most urgent social and political issues facing society today. His books are not written but are transcribed from audio and video recordings of extemporaneous talks given to international audiences over a period of 35 years. Osho has been described by the Sunday Times in London as one of the “1000 Makers of the 20th Century” and by American author Tom Robbins as “the most dangerous man since Jesus Christ.”
About his own work Osho has said that he is helping to create the conditions for the birth of a new kind of human being. He has often characterized this new human being as “Zorba the Buddha” - capable both of enjoying the earthy pleasures of a Zorba the Greek and the silent serenity of a Gautam Buddha. Running like a thread through all aspects of Osho’s work is a vision that encompasses both the timeless wisdom of the East and the highest potential of Western science and technology.
Osho is also known for his revolutionary contribution to the science of inner transformation, with an approach to meditation that acknowledges the accelerated pace of contemporary life. His unique “Active Meditations” are designed to first release the accumulated stresses of body and mind, so that it is easier to experience the thought-free and relaxed state of meditation.
Two autobiographical works by the author are available: OSHO: Autobiography of a Spiritually Incorrect Mystic, St. Martin’s Griffin (June 9, 2001), ISBN- 13: 978-0312280710
The OSHO International Meditation Resort is a great place for holidays and a place where people can have a direct personal experience of a new way of living with more alertness, relaxation, and fun. Located about 100 miles southeast of Mumbai in Pune, India, the resort offers a variety of programs to thousands of people who visit each year from more than 100 countries around the world. Originally developed as a summer retreat for Maharajas and wealthy British colonialists, Pune is now a thriving modern city that is home to a number of universities and high-tech industries. The Meditation Resort spreads over 40 acres in a tree-lined suburb known as Koregaon Park. The resort campus provides accommodation for a limited number of guests, in a new ‘Guesthouse’ and there is a plentiful variety of nearby hotels and private apartments available for stays of a few days up to several months.
Meditation Resort programs are all based in the Osho vision of a qualitatively new kind of human being who is able both to participate creatively in everyday life and to relax into silence and meditation. Most programs take place in modern, air-conditioned facilities and include a variety of individual sessions, courses and workshops covering everything from creative arts to holistic health treatments, personal transformation and therapy, esoteric sciences, the “Zen” approach to sports and recreation, relationship issues, and significant life transitions for men and women. Individual sessions and group workshops are offered throughout the year, alongside a full daily schedule of meditations. Outdoor cafes and restaurants within the resort grounds serve both traditional Indian fare and a choice of international dishes, all made with organically grown vegetables from the resort’s own farm. The campus has its own private supply of safe, filtered water. www.osho.com/resort.
Copyright © 1999 OSHO International Foundation, Switzerland www.osho.com/copyrights.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission.
The material in this book is selected from various talks by Osho given to a live audience. All of Osho’s talks have been published in full as books, and are also available as original audio recordings. Audio recordings and the complete text archive can be found via the online OSHO Library at www.osho.com
OSHO is a registered trademark of Osho International Foundation - www.osho.com/trademarks.
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eISBN : 978-0-880-50778-3